"An editor doesn't just read, he reads well, and reading well is a creative, powerful act..."
– Susan Bell, The Artful Edit
TurboDog is the web home of Maria Fotopoulos, a writer and communications professional committed to delivering high-quality content for your internal and external communications.
“People are hungry for stories. It’s part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another.” – Studs Terkel, writer
A TurboDog Work In Progress
Committed to educating stakeholders (all of us!) about the dramatic loss of wildlife worldwide, the Wildlife Matters project will focus on why conservation of all biodiversity is essential to our health and the planet.
Wildlife Matters will make the business case for incorporating wildlife components in corporate social responsibility programs. Working with conservationists, we will be available to design brand-aligned company programs.
Let TurboDog TurboCharge Your Vision
Callie's Cathouse —
A Turbodog Work
In Progress
After relocating to Oklahoma from Los Angeles, we were IDd as “CAT FRIENDLY!” by the neighborhood felines. So what began as an effort to offer food and shelter during a cold winter for a few Oklahoma City cats turned into a Cat-A-Rama. While the number of kitties fluctuates, it’s been enough of an effort for Callie, one of our four California cats we relocated from L.A., to meow, “We need a fundraiser.”
And thus Callie’s Cathouse (named for our California calico cat) was born.
You can partner with Callie to provide care
for her new Oklahoma feline friends.
"Writers receive tremendous value from a good partnership with a talented editor.”
– Maria Fotopoulos, writer/editor
TurboDog can help with your
communications projects. Send
Maria an email to start a discussion!
© 2024 TurboDog Communications | Oklahoma City | Oklahoma | USA